СОЛИДАРНОСТЬ НАШИМ КОЛЛЕГАМ В УКРАИНЕ. Черноморский проект – это проект коммуникации, академического диалога и научного обмена,
ученые вместе без границ: украинцы, русские, греки, турки, грузины, болгары, румыны, молдаване.
Нет Востока и Запада. Есть ОДИН МИР. Пусть война ЗАКОНЧИТСЯ
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The Poem of the Black Sea Project

There once was a sea that had
Beaches of wheat and islands of bread.
Everything by it was fully sublime,
Not only the Porte, but also its wine.
Circasian beauties, Moldavian pines,
Ukrainian wheat, Anatolian mines
We had them all for us and to sell,
We were just short of qualified personnel.
Odessa, Batumi, Galati, Istanbul
Had their markets so cheap and so full
That tempted you Greeks to come with your fleet
To carry the timber, the wool or the wheat.
Should we be grateful or should we be mad?
I do not speak for the rest, but I am glad.

Constantine Ardeleanu,
Second Black Sea Conference,
Constantza, May/June 2014

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